The Christmas band concert will be on Sunday, December 10 beginning at 2:30 in the school gymnasium.
A SHAC Meeting is scheduled on December 4, 2023, in the Moulton Library at 4:00PM. See the news article at for more information.
Due to football playoffs, Weimar has cancelled our boy's games with them for Tuesday, November 14th.
The game in Yorktown tonight, November 10th, will be a varsity girl's game only starting at 5:00PM. Yorktown has cancelled the JV game due to the flu.
Thank you, Veterans, for all you have done and continue to do for your families and our country.
On Friday, November 10th, boys will play basketball in Victoria at 6:30PM. Girls will play in Yorktown at 5:00PM.
Reminder: MISD has an early release at 11:30AM for U.I.L. on Monday, November 6th, and Tuesday, November 7th.
Note from the MISD Nurse's Office:
If you give your child fever reducing medication, such as Tylenol or Motrin, before coming to school please keep them at home. Flu season is upon us so please help to do your part to keep our kids healthy. Any child with a temp of 100.0 must stay out of school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications. Any student with other symptoms, such as headache, stomachache, diarrhea, or vomiting will need to remain at home as well until symptoms have resolved.
On 11/6/23, MISD will combine Mr. Kenny and Mr. Darrell’s afternoon bus routes into one route. This adds time to the routes, and some drop off times will be later than normal. This change will only be for the afternoon. Morning routes are the same. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Picture retakes will be on Thursday, November 2nd.
Katz and Kittens Night will be tonight at the gym at 6:00PM! Please join us!
Booster Club Meeting, October 11th, at 5:30 in the cafeteria. Board Meeting to follow at 6:30.
Announcement: MISD Booster Club Meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 11, at 5:30PM in the cafeteria.
Reminder: Little Dribblers will be on Thursday this week instead of Tuesday.
Bulletin 10/2/2023
The SHAC meeting for Wednesday, September 27, has been postponed until October 5th at 4:00PM in the MISD library. Please see the flyer for more information.
Bulletin 9/25/2023
Moulton ISD sent out a message today using our new call out system. The call would have shown as coming from Little Rock, Arkansas. Check your voicemail if you declined the call. Thank you for your patience as we learn the new system. We had no idea ahead of time that the call would come from another state. Thanks!
MISD practiced some lockdown, bad weather and fire drills today. The safety of our students is our number one priority!
National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day: October 11, 2023