College, Career, and Military Readiness Plans: Annual Report and Helpful Links
Distinguished Level of Achievement and Endorsements
e-Cigarette Fact Sheet
Information for Parents of School-Age Students: English & Spanish
Testing Opportunities
5 Ways to Support Someone You Love with Anxiety or Depression
Welcome to the Moulton ISD Counselor's Corner

Counseling Program Mission Statement:
The Mission of Moulton ISD’s counseling department is to provide a data-driven school counseling program that addresses the needs and interests of all students, as it relates to their academic, social-emotional, and college/career development. School Counselors facilitate actions to promote a positive school climate that fosters acceptance and perseverance through all life's challenges.
Counseling Program Vision Statement:
The Vision of Moulton ISD’s School counseling department is that all students will achieve academic success, social emotional growth, and will attain a fulfilling career in the future that is aligned with their interests and abilities. Students will be prepared to function as empowered members of our community.
Counselor's Corner
Laura Kusak
April Simper
Please feel free to stop by our rooms anytime for more information about career planning, scholarships, tests, social and emotional support, etc. Parents: We are always open to answering questions/concerns. Please email us for scholarships, volunteer and work opportunities, support, etc. or We look forward to hearing from you. Seniors: Get ready for graduation:
Relaxing Listening Music for Students and Teachers:
Relaxing Music Healing Stress, Anxiety and Depressive States, Heal Mind, Body and Soul Calming Music
College Advising
Career PlanningCollege Days
Apply Texas
Moulton ISD Counselor (361) 596-4099
Part Time Counselor
Full Time Counselor